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Google+ and Google Play Music Updates bring small improvements

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الصفحة الرئيسية
Well, the update Gods at Google have blessed Google+ and Google Play Music with some updates to their apps. You’ll notice some improved notifications to Google+ and some changes to the way sets of music are streamed via Google Play Music.
google music
Small update, important changes. / © Google/AndroidPIT

Google+ Notifications

If you were like me, you were probably annoyed by the fact that Google+ notifications weren’t syncing properly across multiple devices. You’d get a notification on your phone, check it and clear it away, only to find the notification still pending on your tablet or whatnot. Simple, but frustrating.
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Syncing read notifications across devices now works with Google+. / © Google
Well, that has changed now with this update enabling notifications that are read on one device, read on all devices synced to that account. A few other updates, including the redesign of the notifications tray and bell icon, were also a part of this roll-out.
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Some other small changes that were brought with the Google+ update. / © Google

Google Play Music: Faster and better streaming

With the abundance of choices for streaming music over the cloud, one of the biggest issues is the draw on the amount of data used by these services. Of course, you get music on the fly, but if you don’t have the data plan to back it up, you may be stuck with a larger than expected bill. Thankfully, in the latest update to Google Play Music, Google has now allowed you the choice between three streaming quality settings, allowing you to customize your data consumption for their app.
As far as we could tell, there really wasn’t any significant delay or loss of audio between the three settings (high, medium, and low quality), however the quality was definitely different. But, all things considering, that is to be expected when you compare a low quality versus a high quality setting. Apart from allowing users to choose different bandwith settings, Google Play Music also updated to shorten response times for downloading music from the App and its own internal search has been improved.
As of right now, both apps will be updated in the coming days, so keep your eyes posted on your device(s). For those who want to try out the Google Play Music APK right now, check out the following link.
